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Here is one of simplest moving rainbow programs. It is our version of "Hello World!.

Our first program will just blink the first pixel on and off every 1/2 second.

Blink Blocks


Change the Color Lab

  1. Change the block:
    Red Block to be: Green Block

What happens?

Change the Position Lab

  1. Change the block:
    Red Block to be: Red Block, LED 1

What happens?

Change the Sleep Time

What happens if you change the sleep time?

Half Second Delay to be: Tenth Second Delay

What is the smallest time you can use and still see flashing? Hint: Try values like .05, or .005


  1. Change the single red block to

Red Green Blue Blocks

and change the single black block to

Black Blocks

What happened?

Why Do We Need block Write NeoPixel?

Try to remove one of the block that does Write NeoPixel. What happens? Why do you think we need this block?

LED Strip State

What happens if you stop the program when the LED strip LEDs are on?

On Your Own

What if you extended the lab to more positions and colors?